Global Language Services "GLS" is a networked global communication enterprise.
GLS has been in business since 1986, providing seamless solutions of language, communication, training, law and accounting.

Professional content, e-learning, and audiovisual translations that cover many industries, with a focus on Arabic language pairs.

AV Interpretation
Our professional interpreters render consecutive and simultaneous audiovisual interpretations in conferences.

Website and Software localization for multiple Arabic language pairs, and cultural consultation by native speakers.

Our Values
Speedy Service
Best combination of quality, time and rate, that gives optimal value for money. We meet deadlines, and focus on client satisfaction".
Experienced Staff
GLS is in business since 1986. With over 30 years of experience, we provide the best language services by native speakers.
Quality Work
With a stringent quality management process in place, GLS ensures that services meet the highest professional standards.
Why GLS?
- GLS is ISO 9001-2000 and EN 15038-2006 certified.
- Our creative talent, long technical expertise and relevant qualifications
- Special attention to linguistic and cultural nuances
- Services that meet the highest standards
- Highest level of customer service
- GLS accreditation process for staff
- Quick turnabout
- Optimal Value for money
Although managing simultaneous interpretation in international events doesn’t come without tension, working with GLS is always an opportunity to share knowledge and gain experience in a very nice team spirit, almost family-like atmosphere. After all we all belong to this interpreters’ community and we belong to the same family!
Yaqub Leenen, Senior Interpreter
Extremely professional and friendly, the only one out of three linguists who was able to fulfill all the requirements asked, involving translation and pdf manipulation in a project. Of my four regular Arabic language correspondents, Alaa’s GLS is the provider I always turn to for the most informed and measured viewpont, the most accurate translation and the speediest response.
Andrew McCrum, CEO, Appella Co.

Il était clair dès le départ que Alaa et GLS possède une vaste expérience à la tête de personnes et d’équipes, avec une expertise inégalée dans le secteur de la traduction. C’est un professionnel dans la gestion de son travail et dans les relations avec les autres collègues, toujours poli, bon auditeur, hyper efficace, superbement capable d’émettre des critiques constructives, serviable, prompt à répondre et extrêmement compétent! J’ai aimé travailler avec Alaa et ai toujours hâte de travailler à nouveau avec lui.
Najet Louhichi, Renounced Journalist

Completed Projects
Words Translated
Hours Interpreted